Wednesday, February 25, 2009



I hadn't really connected to the word
Till tonight. Looking at a picture
And the sticker underneath that said

I had announced that I was a father
And that you were a boy
But the reality is wordless
Except to say

I had a child
I had a SON
A boy
My boy
He wasn't just a baby
He was a son
He had a place, a role, a destiny

I isn't the hopes that have failed
It isn't the gender role that is unfulfilled
My flesh and blood within my hands
Belonging , a part of something that’s larger
Than me. It included my

That child is from me. He lived because of me
He and I were one, even if we never saw each other
I to I
I look and see. I honor with my gaze
I am so very proud of him
He did not have to suffer and die
He made it through the transition.
I am proud of my son. He was MY son
He wasn't Joe or Jim's or Harry's son
He was Mahlon David's Son
He is dead, and I miss him
I love him so very much

As I am proud of him
So I not strive to make sure
he is proud of me
Always let it be remembered
That Chandler Mahlon was the
Son of Mahlon David
Honor him and you will honor me
Father of my son

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